Call for Papers

The University of Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi, through the Laboratory of Electronics and Advanced Telecommunications (ETA), is organizing the 1st edition of the International Conference on Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications (2ETA2023). This conference will encompass all specialties and research themes of the ETA laboratory. It also covers many topics in electronics and engineering that will interest researchers worldwide. ETA23 wants to connect academic researchers and industry scientists, so they can share new ideas and think about working together. The conference will help researchers start their projects in the field.
The goals of this conference are many:

  1.  Build connections between academics and industry scientists.
  2.  Motivate researchers to do their research in real-world settings.
  3.  Use the speakers' expertise to create a shared platform between academics and industry professionals and further develop the proposed ideas.
  4. Select two or three projects from the presentations for potential patents.

2ETA is an event about engineering and advanced technologies. It's a perfect place where the latest updates are shared, ideas are exchanged, predictions about the future are made, and connections are formed with the international engineering community. This first edition will be the start of more events like this in the future.

Topics covered in the conference:

Papers are welcome to be submitted in all areas of engineering and advanced technologies,
including but not limited to:

I. Signal, Image, and Video Processing

  •  Big data analysis
  •  Video Analysis
  •  Machine learning technologies for signal, image, and video processing
  •  Learning electrical engineering with Deep Neural Networks (DNN)
  •  Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  •  Semantic-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos
  •  3D imaging
  • Multimodal image processing
  • Emerging technologies
  • Evaluation of image and video retrieval systems
  • Studies of information-seeking behavior among image/video users
  • Modeling techniques
  • Image/video summarization and visualization
  • Virtual reality and emerging applications
  • Applications in broadcast, web, cultural heritage, satellite, forensic, and bio-medical image and video collections
  • Signal and image Pattern recognition
  • Medical imaging

II. Telecommunication Systems

  •  RF/Microwave Circuits and Systems
  •  Antennas and Wave Propagation
  •  Radar and Satellite Systems
  •  Information Theory and Coding
  •  Numerical modeling
  •  Software tools
  •  Wireless and Mobile Communications
  •  Semiconductor Characterization and Modeling
  •  Metamaterial application

III. Embedded Systems

  •  Design and development methodologies,
  •  Embedded Architectures and Technologies
  •  Intelligent Systems and Application
  •  Microprocessor, Microcontroller, DSP, FPGA-based Systems
  •  Control and Renewable energies
IV. Systems & Control 
  • Control Approaches  
  • Intelligent Control  
  • Control of Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems  
  • Nonlinear and Complex Systems  
  • Automation and Robotics 

Paper Submission

Please submit a short paper (2-4 pages) through the scienceconf submission system. The template can be downloaded from the conference website at Template

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